Steps to start a
pmcmd command to run a workflow from informatica server
we get below error while executing PMCMD first time. This error actually tells that utility you are
trying to execute is not available.
/usr/lib/hpux64/ Unable to find library '1:/home/build3p
/PMReleases/90/ HP – UX.IPF.64/xml /pmxerces2_7_0
1: Check if you have PMCMD available.
If you
have informatica installed on your system that doesn’t mean you can execute
this utility also, Use below command to find out this utility availability for
your informatica installation. If not, Talk to your admin to check that your
organization license has this utility in it or not.
find .
-name "PMCMD" –print , Command need to be executed at INFA
application root directory.
2: If PMCMD is available.
Check if execute access is there for all. User group and others should have
execute access to this utility.
3: Configure SHLIB_PATH environment variable.
Bottom line, To run this utility, you got to configure the SHLIB_PATH
environment variable to include below directory (Path may differ for your
Configuring shlib_path variable will enable you to run this utility from
your UNIX ID in a particular UNIX environment.
You need to execute below two commands at command prompt to
configure shlib_path variable.
SHLIB_PATH=$PATH:/appl/inform/Informatica/ 9.0.1/server/bin
Now your setup is ready, You can use syntax given in next step to
run start workflow with this utility.
4: Syntax : PMCMD Start Workflow
pmcmd startworkflow
–pv PASSWORD_TEST # See comments for
more info on Uname/Password.
For easy understanding I have kept every pmcmd startworkflow
parameter attributes in new line. You need to remove newline character and keep
only one space before each parameter. At last your command will look like one
shown in below picture.
PMCMD Script Syntax
are done, you can execute PMCMD.
If you are alreadyin pmcmd prompt then follow the below mentioned steps
The following commands were helpful for pmcmd:
pmcmd>connect -sv Service -d domain -u username -p password
pmcmd>startworkflow -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>getworkflowdetails -f 'folder' -rin workflow
pmcmd>gettaskdetails -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>stoptask -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>getsessionstatistics -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>scheduleworkflow -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>unscheduleworkflow -f 'folder' workflow
pmcmd>disconnect -sv Service -d domain -u username -p password
pmcmd : Unix command to control Informatica Workflow
pmcmd command is used to control
informatica repository events thru Unix, When informatica server is an Unix
server. Since Unix is a very powerful and command end to interact with multiple
data storage sources (flatfile, oracle, sql server, xml etc.). We can check for
a indicator file and execute/stop/abort a session/workflow.In this way, we can
reduce various task/commands and whole dataflow will be automated at an extend.
Session specific,
pmcmd stoptask -s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -w $wkf $sess
Keys :
stoptask : To stop a task
gettaskdetails : To retrieve task details
starttask : To Execute a task
aborttask : To abort a task
waittask : To Run a task in wait mode
workflow specific,
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder $wkf
Keys :
stopworkflow : To stop a workflow
getworkflowdetails : To retrieve workflow details
startworkflow : To Execute a workflow
abortworkflow : To abort a workflow
waitworkflow : To Run a workflow in wait mode
pmcmd command with parameter file
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -paramfile paramfile_name -wait $wkf
Apart from these pmcmd command options , various utility options available
(check informatica help file for details)
Session specific,
pmcmd stoptask -s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -w $wkf $sess
Keys :
stoptask : To stop a task
gettaskdetails : To retrieve task details
starttask : To Execute a task
aborttask : To abort a task
waittask : To Run a task in wait mode
workflow specific,
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder $wkf
Keys :
stopworkflow : To stop a workflow
getworkflowdetails : To retrieve workflow details
startworkflow : To Execute a workflow
abortworkflow : To abort a workflow
waitworkflow : To Run a workflow in wait mode
pmcmd command with parameter file
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -paramfile paramfile_name -wait $wkf
Apart from these pmcmd command options , various utility options available
(check informatica help file for details)
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